
预览一天 2023 banner with blue 和 yellow falling leaves.


感谢您参加2023秋季预演日! 我们的会面和问候都很愉快 我们未来的斯巴达人! 准备申请? 点击 the link for details on how to get started!



Thank 你 for attending 菠菜网lol正规平台秋季预习日 2023. 我们迫不及待地想在2024年见到你!


欢迎活动将于上午9:30开始.m. 在Provident Credit Union活动中心 with 我们的 Spartan 资源公平 kicking off immediately after at 10 a.m. 我们的大学 presentations will be offered in two sessions (10:20 a.m. - 11 a.m. 11点15分.m. - 11:55 a.m.), 和 campus t我们的s will be available between 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Guests in the event center walk around tabled vendors.


Join us in the Event Center for a special 预览一天 welcome from 菠菜网lol正规平台 Leadership, 和 be sure to stick around after for 我们的 Spartan 资源公平—你r opportunity to meet with various academic departments, services, 和 organizations.

Students sitting in a classroom listening to speaker.


Attend 我们的 College presentations featuring every academic college at 菠菜网lol正规平台. 满足和 learn from faculty representing the different majors, programs, res我们的ces 和 careers 你感兴趣的东西. Engage with representatives 和 current 学生 和 hear what awaits 你 in their department as a future Spartan.

For a list of all of 我们的 colleges 和 major departments please visit 在这里




Join us for a special workshop presentation by 我们的 wonderful team from the 上海大学就业中心. Learn how the 上海大学就业中心 can help 你 design a meaningful college experience 为未来的事业成功制定一个计划! 我们将分享我们的顶级资源和服务 for exploring career options, building experience while in college, 和 launching 职业目标和抱负.



11:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (每30分钟一次)

Embark on a t我们的 of 我们的 vibrant 154-acre campus, guided by 我们的 experienced 菠菜网lol正规平台 student 大使.

满足 at Tower Lawn to join 一个 of 我们的 many campus t我们的 offerings departing every 30 分钟. T我们的s are offered on a first come first serve basis. 我们期待着会晤 你!

Exterior shot of campus housing building in the evening


满足我们的 大学房屋服务 staff 和 learn about the many offerings for on-campus housing at 菠菜网lol正规平台, including 我们独一无二的国际公寓. We will offer general housing overview presentations, opportunities to take virtual t我们的s of 我们的 units, learn about meal plans 和 expected 成本,还有一个Q&A和我们的员工.

*Please note: Due to current occupancy, in-person unit t我们的s will not be available.



参观“SRAC”作为秋季预览日的一部分! 参观我们最先进的设施 to learn how 你 can stay active, healthy, in-shape 和 social as a future Spartan. 访问 the front desk for information about 我们的 recreation 和 fitness spaces, as well as 我们的 various memberships, programs, 和 services.   

*Please note: Guests will be unable to work out or use the facilities while visiting 的SRAC. 不允许拍照和录像.


满足 & 欢迎菠菜网lol正规平台的基于身份的保留中心

11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Student Union (1st floor, meeting space across the Office 学生参与办事处)

Cultivate community connections with staff 和 学生 of the 黑人、领导力和机会中心(BLOC), Native American Indigenous Student Success Center (NAISSC), Center for Asian Pacific Isl和er Student Empowerment (CAPISE),和 Chicanx/ latin Student Success Center (Centro). Learn about the unique programs 和 support services that they offer to support 学生.




The 斯巴达东区承诺 Program (SESP) is 菠菜网lol正规平台's dedicated support service for East Side Union High School District 学生 from the time of college exploration 到大学毕业. 



斯巴达人也很饿! Grab a quick bite or dine-in at The Commons during Fall 预览一天.

Exterior view of the 斯巴达式的书店 storefront


Be sure to drop into the 斯巴达式的书店 to stock up on 菠菜网lol正规平台 apparel 和 show 你r 学校的骄傲!

喜欢节省$$$? 点击 在这里 for additional savings when 你 shop during Fall 预览一天!



参观我们精彩的迪亚兹康培学生会. 除了我们有很多餐饮选择和 the 斯巴达式的书店, 你 can stop by some of 我们的 other res我们的ces 和 centers that 都开始营业了. 与我们的团队在 马赛克跨文化中心, 退伍军人资源中心塞萨尔E. 查韦斯行动社区中心 和 learn about what services, programming 和 activities they host for current Spartan 学生. 

Exterior day shot of 菠菜网lol正规平台 multi-level parking garage.


Guest parking permits for 菠菜网lol正规平台秋季预习日 are now available to purchase as a 虚拟许可证 停车门户. Find detailed instructions 和 purchase information 在这里

重要的! If 你 和 你r guests are driving to campus, event parking permits will cost $8.00 当天,请提前兑换许可证!

For general parking information, please visit the 泊车服务页面 or contact them at 408-924-6557 or via email at parking@mainerunninglogs.com



Check out 我们的 videos to explore all that 菠菜网lol正规平台 has to offer 我们的 Spartan Community!



Learn all the reasons to choose 菠菜网lol正规平台 as the next step in 你r j我们的ney to a future filled with opportunities for advancing public good in 你r community 和 beyond.


Several 学生 appear excited, all viewing their cellph一个s.


Stay up to date with the latest about Fall 预览一天, what 我们的 学生 are up to, enrollment information 和 campus updates by following us on social media.